Powerpoint notes
Levels of film analysis: 1. literary analysis - understanding basics of storyline such as: characters, mood, theme etc. The plot line: exposition - the pertinent background information for understanding the story as well as the hook or introduction. rising action - the conflicts that move the story forward, these can be actual or psychological conflicts. climax - the point in the movie where nothing else seems to be able to go wrong. Often the characters have to make a choice to move forward or cease to exist. resolution - the loosens are tied up. There may not be a true ending, but it is the ending to the story the filmmaker wants us to interact with. 2. dramatic and cinematic analysis - dramatic choices are choices made by the people in front go the camera such as acting and costuming whereas cinematic choices are choices made by people behind the camera. basic framing - long shots - can give a sense of time and place, and can show the characters re...